Product Code |
Pack Weight |
Yield |
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100 Newton Mortar Premium strength mortar. Ultra high strength mortar ideal for crane rail support, heavy mechanical base plates, bridge bearing seats and providing protection to steel.
Strength |
1day 70N/mm2
28day 105N/mm2 |
Thickness |
20mm to 75mm |
TP91 |
bag |
12.5ltrs |
Aquatic Mortar Accelerated Very fast setting mortar Designed for high early strength in wet or under-water situations. Applications include canals, rivers and reservoirs, tunnels, culverts and pipes, tidal and marine structures.
Strength |
2hrs 13N/mm2
28day 55N/mm2 |
Thickness |
10mm to 60mm |
AA02 |
bag |
11ltrs |
Dry Pack C Prepacked mortar. Designed for dry packing. Uses very low water to powder ratio to produce a 'rammable mix'.
Strength |
1day 31N/mm2
28day 61N/mm2 |
Thickness |
5mm to 100mm |
TP43 |
bag |
11.5ltrs |
Dry Pack C White White version of Dry Pack C.
Strength |
1day 38N/mm2
28day 64N/mm2 |
Thickness |
5mm to 100mm |
TP62 |
bag |
12.3ltrs |
Dry Pack GP General purpose dry packing mortar. As Dry Pack C, moderate strength.
Strength |
1day 8N/mm2
28day 30N/mm2 |
Thickness |
5mm to 100mm |
TP47 |
bag |
11.5ltrs |
High Build Mortar Non slump high strength packing material. Designed for under plate and rail packing where shuttering is not appropriate.
Strength |
1day 40N/mm2
28day 65N/mm2 |
Thickness |
10mm to 50mm |
TG26 |
bag |
12.5ltrs |
Pumpable Mortar Pumpable Mortar. Designed to be placed by hand pump for infilling of horizontal and vertical joints between precast concrete elements.
Strength |
1day 20N/mm2
28day 53N/mm2 |
Thickness |
Vertical: 25mm to 50mm
Horizontal: 25mm to 125mm |
TP45 |
bag |
13.5ltrs |
Thin Joint Mortar Jointing mortar for blockwork and brickwork to improve thermal efficiency. Designed to build block and precast element walls with thin horizontal and vertical joints.Thixotropic mix design contains Portland cement, high quality fine graded silica sands plus a synergistic blend of additives.
Conforms to the relevant parts of prEN1015.
Strength |
1day 3.4N/mm2
28day 29N/mm2 |
Thickness |
3mm to 5mm |
ACB01 |
bag |
14.6ltrs |
Thin Joint Mortar White White version of Thin Joint Mortar. For use with light coloured blocks.
Conforms to the relevant parts of prEN1015.
Strength |
1day 3N/mm2
28day 30N/mm2 |
Thickness |
3mm to 5mm |
ACB02 |
bag |
14.6ltrs |
Thixotropic Joint Filler Portland cement based grout with special additives. Designed for thixotropic 'pump and stay' placing plus shrinkage compensation. Used to fill joints avoiding the use of formwork.
Strength |
1day 20N/mm2
28day 55N/mm2 |
Thickness |
5mm to 100mm |
TP48 |
bag |
13.5ltrs |